
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
109. Picardsplaining (PIC 2.01-2.04)
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Liz and Anika take a trip [a couple of weeks] back in time and into another [section of the] universe: season 2 of Star Trek: Picard.
- We really loved the first two episodes
- Although Liz suspects she may have once said something about Laris and Picard having a father-daughter relationship, which, yikes
- The other two episodes…
- It's hard to be invested in relationships when the foundations are weak
- To borrow a phrase from another podcast: Where's Beverly?
- Do Raffi and Seven actually like each other?
- Having Picard and Seven out here tone policing Black women was A Choice
- We share some dental trauma stories from 34:43 to 36:67 if you'd rather skip that
- Hey, remember when Soji was the main character?
- Picard's mother! Is a person! Who exists! We are excited yet afraid…
- Are we MEANT to be shipping Agnes and the Borg Queen? Because we're not waiting for permission!

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
108. Oh Well, Star Trek (Disco 4.13)
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
We have a finale! Anika and Liz put on a lightshow, blow up a techbro, and discuss…
- We get our nitpicks out of the way first
- Michael is a hard act to follow when it comes to big speeches
- Ndoye has taken the final step to becoming a fully fledged character, and we love it
- We find opportunities to compare TWO characters to Admiral Cornwell #ourbrand
- The "emotions? In my Star Trek?" argument comes up again; Liz makes snoring noises
- Wait, did we know Federation HQ was mobile???
- Anika talks about The Abyss
- Stacey Abrams! Liz has a hot take; Anika has a much better one
- Liz accidentally quotes Ronald Reagan and owes Anika a MASSIVE apology

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
107. Pondering the Orb (Disco 4.12)
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Anika and Liz meet the 10-C, shout enough to scare Grudge, and contemplate…
- What can Book's fate possibly be? Liz has a theory!
- A VERY brief digression into matters Picard related (note spoilers)
- "Why is Star Trek about feelings all of a sudden?" We cannot believe this is even a point of discussion, but since it's come up, we have a rant we prepared earlier!
- We do enjoy a nice puzzle…
- Some WILD SPECULATION about the possibilities for season 5
- Wait, why haven't they just chucked a spacesuit on T'Rina and sent her out to mind meld with the 10-C?

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
106. Anthropology Speedrun (Disco 4.11)
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Trekapalooza begins! Anika and Liz put Picard on hold to talk about episode 11 of Discovery's fourth season: Rosetta. Join us as we visit a new planet, huff some feelings dust and discuss…
- It's been a while since we had a nice landing party on this show!
- Star Trek should never, ever try to be cool
- If you are tired of hearing Liz complain about Detmer, good news: she has completely changed her opinion!
- 10-C, anthropology 101 and the elephant's graveyard in The Lion King
- Sometimes a little knowledge about reality can impede one's enjoyment of Star Trek, which is apparently not a documentary or something…
- So we can safely assume by now intelligence isn't the number one trait that attracts Michael to a man…
- The delegates: a linguistics nerd, Space Wordle, Rillak's pantsuits and Earth's Brexity vibes
It's the episode where Cleveland Booker is on THIN ICE, you guys, THIN ICE.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
105. The Fourth Doctor Walks Into A Ridley Scott Film (Disco 4.10)
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Discovery enters the Galactic Barrier, and while real world physicists weep, Anika and Liz turn down the saturation and discuss:
- Just when we thought Disco had mastered pacing...
- The Tarka problem endures
- Saru! T'Rina! Their love!
- "Insecurity is universal." Discovery is a deeply insecure show.
- Is MURF Species 10-C?!
- Translation, alteration and unconscious bias
- Liz's next door neighbour does a bit of yard work, which is great…
- We have started shipping Vance/Rillak, which means we are also VERY concerned that Rillak's gonna go get herself blown up or something
And more!

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
104. A Fungible Greg (Disco 4.09)
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
If an episode is titled Rubicon, you can bet some sort of ... line is going to be crossed. Anika and Liz discuss:
- We have some prurient speculations about Saru's … experience; also, we ship Saru/T'Rina A LOT but please never make us look at his hands again
- Nahn is back! Is this … emotional continuity? Gosh!
- Book and Michael are sort of spinning their wheels, narratively and emotionally
- Ruon Tarka is the Elon Musk of the 32nd century, and we do NOT mean that as a compliment! But it's okay, we took a break from fixing Good Sam to offer notes

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
103. Klingons! At the Disco! (Disco 4.08)
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Discovery is back, baby! With hijinks! Maybe even SHENANIGANS! Anika and Liz beam down to the Karma Barge to discuss...
- An update on our giveaway
- Captain Picard Week is coming…
- Wanna make a place seem dodgy in 2022? Fill it with a crowd of people!
- We are on the record as loving terrible dads in fiction, but we also love good dads! And also … dadmirals!
- We know you know this, but it bears repeating: Sonequa Martin Green is very, very good at the whole acting business!
- A bridge crew subplot that … hangs together and doesn't feel jammed in? In OUR Discovery?

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
102. Everybody Lives! (Prodigy 1.10)
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Prodigy comes in for an almost flawless mid-season finale! Anika and Liz take a good, long look at Zero, and the discuss:
- The sheer joy of watching a carefully planned story, competently told
- If Lower Decks and Picard are sequels to TNG, and Prodigy is a sequel to Voyager, will the Section 31 series be a sequel to DS9? (Liz has suggestions and they involve casting Alexander Siddig…)
- We talk a lot about how the Diviner is a child slaver, but he also has the regular kind of slaves AND THAT'S NOT BETTER!
- How the Diviner is like one particular Australian scam artist…
- We have some qualms about the Diviner's fate
- Protecting Rok-Tahk is SO important
- The Shipping News (Liz has a lot of Janeway/Chakotay feels)

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
101. Save the Cat(ian) (Prodigy 1.09)
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
It is the PENULTIMATE episode of Prodigy for now, and we LOVED it! Anika and Liz plan a reverse heist and discuss:
- Drednok: the Swiss army knife of henchmen (henchdroids)
- We love our fictional children
- We also love terrible dads in fiction and we don't apologise
- (HOWEVER, Anika has been accused of being a Gul Dukat apologist, and she wants us to know SHE WOULD NEVER)
- Maybe the Diviner has really good reasons for hating the Federation, but the CHILD SLAVERY makes it a bit difficult to sympathise…
- New uniforms means we have OPINIONS!
- Does Anika have to explain how animation works?

Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
100. There’s Coffee In That Space Cloud (Prodigy 1.08)
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
It's our ONE HUNDREDTH EPISODE! Can you believe it? We are so happy to be here, and grateful to our listeners for coming with us on this journey of digressions, ritual mourning for exploded admirals, Star Wars feelings and alleged misandry.
ALSO we have some Star Trek to discuss! And ... quite a lot of Star Trek coming in the next six months, prayer circle for ... us.
- Prodigy! Time travel! Technobabble! Space program history! TRAUMATISING CHILDREN!
- In an unexpected twist, we LOVED Jankom this week
- (We also loved everyone else, but that is only to be expected.)
- Anika imprinted on Aliens at a disturbingly young age
- It's interesting that the usual suspects aren't calling Rok-Tahk a Mary Sue…